The Effects of The Readiness of Nursing Practice in Adult Nursing Practicum 1 on Knowledge and Confident in Nursing Practice among Air Force Student Nurses, Academic year 2018

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Jirapinya Khamrath, Ph.D., R.N
Bangorn Ritudom, R.N., M.S. (Nursing)


Objective : To examine the effects of the readiness of nursing practice in Adult nursing practicum 1 on knowledge and confident in nursing practice among Air Force Student Nurses, Academic year 2018.

Material and Methods : This research was quasi-experiment research design by using one group pre-test and post-test design. Pre-test related to knowledge and confident in nursing practice was done and

post-test after participated in the readiness of nursing practice in Adult nursing practicum 1. Samples were 55 Air Force Student Nurses. The research instruments consisted of the knowledge testing and confident in nursing practice questionnaires. Reliability of Knowledge testing was calculated by KR-20 was 0.57 and reliability of confident in nursing practice questionnaires was calculated by Cronbach’s alpha coefficients was 0.94. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistic and paired t-test.

Results : The results revealed that the average score of knowledge and confident in nursing practice of Air Force Student Nurses after participated in the readiness of nursing practice in Adult nursing practicum 1 were statistically significantly higher than those before participation (t = 15.69, p< 0.05 and t =9.98, p <0.05, respectively).

Conclusion : This study suggested that the readiness of nursing practice in Adult nursing practicum help nursing students improve the knowledge and be confident in nursing practice.

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