Quality of Working Life of Registered Nurses, Nursing Department, Sawangha Hospita, Angthong Province

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Payao Kingthong, B.N.S.
Sutharat Churos, M.N.S.


This research was a descriptive study. The purpose is to study and compare the quality of working life. The samples is registered nurses, nursing department, Sawangha Hospital, Angthong province 33 instruments used in the research were the questionnaire, which contains two parts: general information and the quality of working life. Data collect by researcher. On 15-31 March 2561, analyzed using descriptive statistics include percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics such as t-test and F-test.

            The result revealed that nurses rated the quality of work life at the moderate level 100 % (X = 3.14,

S.D. = 0.17) Statistical significance The group has < 30,000 baht a high quality of work life. Group revenues 30,001 - 40,000 baht, which is the worker’s shift rotations late afternoon, most of the chief duty. Low quality of working life the other variables No statistical difference Considering the questionnaire showed that the mean score of the quality of work life the most is the opportunity to build relationships and activities.  Together with supervisors and co-workers.  (X = 3.84 , S.D. = 0.56). The mean score of the quality of working life is the least promoted to a higher level, it is unlikely. (X = 2.15, S.D. = 0.71 )    

            Suggestion: should enhance the quality of working life. Nurses Especially with the nurses on the ward at high risk and shift rotations afternoon late in providing additional manpower. Or other personnel. That can help the nurses.  Policy and management in a clear progression and job security. In order to raise the quality of work life of nurses in nursing higher.

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