The Factors that Affect to Ethics and Security in Information Technology in the Context of Thailand 4.0: A Case Study Higher Education Institutions in Bangkok and Perimeter

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Supon Phrommaphan


The objective of this research is to identify the factors that can be divided into 5 areas: Including knowledge and understanding of Information Technology Knowledge and understanding about the Act (Act) on Social, Economic and Behavior using computer and Social media.

            The results of the research concluded that An overview of the factors that have an impact on Ethics and information security  all 5 areas at a high level with an average of 3.72 by the highest value is behavior using computer and Social media with an average of 3.98 at a high level show that Learning behavior of people in society has changed by turning to use computers and social media more, whether it’s Google Facebook Line YouTube followed by social area  with an average of 3.96 at the same level by using online media to create interaction with other people Including entertainment such as watching movies and online videos. The lowest mean value is the knowledge and understanding about the Act (Act) is at a moderate level, which indicates that some people still lack knowledge and understanding about the Act (Act) such as the Computer Crime Act.

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