Knowledge and Skills of Using Automate External Defibrillation Mode in Defibrillator before and after Basic Life Support Training Program in Emergency Room Nurses of Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital

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Suntara Boonchu


Background : Therefore, it is committed to the develop knowledge and skills of using automate external defibrillation mode in defibrillator by organizing the training of basic life support for emergency room nurses of Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital, because they are often encountering emergency situations.

Objective : To assess knowledge and skill of using automate external defibrillation mode in defibrillator in emergency room nurses before and after the training, and determine factors associated with ability of basic life supporting.

Material and Method : The study evaluated data and related factors before and after the training of basic life support (2015 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC) of 92 emergency room nurses. The knowledge assessment was conducted in the same day.

Results : The score of multiple-choice knowledge before and after training has mean + SD equal to

7.15 + 1.24 points and 9.2 + 0.788 points marks respectively, which were significantly different P-value less than 0.001. The score of multiple-choice and practice after training compare in each group experience no significant difference p-value 0.316 and 0.214 marks respectively. The score of multiple-choice and practice after training compare in frequency of CPR in 1 month, no significant   difference p-value 0.895 and 0.810 marks respectively. The score of multiple-choice and practice after training compare in frequency of using AED in 1 month, no significant difference P-value 0.055 and 0.107 marks respectively. Rescue workers have score of multiple-choice before training 8.25 + 0.70 points, nursing have score 7.05 + 1.23 points. Rescue workers scored significantly higher p-value 0.008 however, multiple choice and practice score after training no significant difference P-value 0.107 and 0.297 marks respectively.

Conclusion : The result of assessment showed that scores of theoretical knowledge and skill of basic life support have increased clearly. This basic life-support training improves the capacity of emergency room nurses. Rescue workers who often have the chance to perform resuscitation and use AED, have basic knowledge before training better than nursing. In addition, learning and developing basic life support skills not related to work experience and frequency of resuscitation. Everybody can improve their skills after training.

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