A Comparison of Quality of Life Pre-Post Empowerment Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5 Patients Who Maintain Palliative Care, Sawaengha District, Angthong Province

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Rungrat Yodrayab, B.N.S
Sutharat Churos M.N.S.


This research is pre experimental research. The purpose of this study was to compare the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure phase 5 with palliative care before and after empowerment. The sample group was Palliative renal failure patients, stage 5, who received palliative treatment (eGFR <15 mL. per minute, 1.73 square meters) which rejected renal replacement therapy, Sawaeng Ha District, Ang Thong Province, totaling 31 cases. The tools used in the research were  1. Media / brochure for knowledge about kidney disease / video / manual for being happy with kidney disease / prototype / food and medicine model. / Self-Empowerment Program.  2. Data collection tools used questionnaire consisting of 2 parts: part 1, personal data questionnaire, part 2 The World Health Organization’s Quality of Life Questionnaire, Thai version (WHOQOL-BREF-THAI), is a opinion level questionnaire that has been verified for content validity by experts. Verification of confidence (Reliability) Data were collected by interviewing samples between January 1, 2019 and March 31, 2019. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics including Dependent t-test as follows.

            The results of the quality of life of the sample group in this research were mostly female aged between 70-79. Most years by average age 79 Years of education, most of them are elementary, professional, agricultural, with an average monthly income of 1,000-3,000 baht, which is money for the elderly, government benefits, and having common diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure.  Spouses or children, the comparison of the samples has a quality of life score before powering up 74.7 after powering up 82.0. The quality of life increased by 7.23 and when tested for statistical differences, it was found that the quality of life after the empowerment increased significantly at p <0.05.  In summary, the differences in each aspect showed that the quality of life scores of each target group were different, ie, after enhancing the level of quality of life scores in every aspect significantly increased. At the level of p <0.05.

            From the above study, it can be concluded that The concept of empowerment contributes to the better quality of life of patients. Therefore, the empowerment approach should be applied together with the normal treatment of patients with chronic renal failure stage 5 to be useful in Being a guideline for promoting quality of life and improving patient care Improving the quality of life of patients both physically, mentally, socially and environmentally.

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