From BNT 2000 to NT 2013 The Malnutrition Identification in Adult Patients

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Vibul Trakulhoon MD.
Buchcha Prammanasudh RN.


Nutrition screening (NS) and Nutrition assessment (NA) are the first steps in Nutrition Care Process (NCP). In 2000, the BNT format (Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital Nutrition Triage) was proposed to medical personels and widely used in many hospitals for NS and NA. In 2002, a study between BNT and SGA was done with a comparable result(1-5).  Until 2013,  the BNT was updated to be the NT 2013 format in conformance with the Consensus Statement 2012 of A.S.P.E.N., ESPEN, and the Academy on Identification of Adult Malnutrition(6-10).  Recently, the Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Support of Thailand (SPENT) got support from the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) to start up “The Qualified Nutrition Support Hospital” and initiated a Nutrition Support Team in various hospitals. Subsequently  the National Health Security Organization (NHSO)(11) began allowing hospitals to file claims for reimbursement for the cost of performing the Nutrition Care Process in the form of the NT 2013 format. Also a study of a group of authors by HITAP (Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program)(12) has recommended the NT 2013 to be used for nutrition screening and nutrition assessment in Thailand.

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Original Articles


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