A Relationship Between Knowledge Attitude and Behavior in Preventing Non-Communicated Disease in Air Force Student Nurses

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Tuangthip Ladawan M.N.S.


This is a descriptive research studying a relationship
between knowledge, attitude and behavior in preventing non-
communicated disease in Air Force Student Nurses by using KAP
model. A sample was 140 Air Force Student Nurses selected by
random sampling. The instrument in this study was a
questionnaire: knowledge Non-Communicated Disease, attitude
and behavior in Preventing Non-Communicated Disease. Data
were analyzed in term of frequency, percentage, means,
Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and ANOVA
with a preset of significant level at .05
The result found that 100 % of student’s knowledge at good
level. The highest score is sign and symptom of disease.
Student’s attitude at good level average score is 51.84. The
highest score is attitude in perceiving benefit of preventing Non-
Communicated Disease. Student’s behavior is moderate. An
average score is 19.74. The result of relationship analysis found
that Knowledge Non-Communicated Disease related with attitude.
(r=0.418). Analysis of Variance found that knowledge non-
communicated disease, attitude and different in each year
(F=19.493, df=139, p<.05, F=5.036, df=139, p<.05) and behavior
in preventing non-communicated disease is not different in each
year (F=1.394, df=139, p>.05).
A recommendation of this result is the Royal Thai Air Force
Nursing College should have more health promotion activities to

make students realizing a danger and adapting behavior for
preventing non-communicated disease.

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Original Articles


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