Factors Affective Stress in Pregnant Women with Diabetes Mellitus ; Integration into Nursing

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Teerana Wongsamut RN., M.N.S.


Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is one of the complications that can occur during pregnancy. At present, found that incidence is increasing both nationally and internationally. The treatment of diabetes during pregnancy is very complicated in many respects, such as the limit food intake, exercise properly including a pregnant woman, measure blood glucose or injections to control their blood sugar levels by herself. These things Affect mental condition of the pregnant woman is tremendous. Lead to stress and the anxiety increased, as the unwanted pregnancy. It has compiled the findings to various causes and relevant impact on the feel of a pregnant woman. As well as factors that are associated with stress in pregnancy group to serve as the basis for planning the care was appropriate.

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Review Article


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