Applying LEAN Concepts to Improve Quality of Outpatient Care: Case Study from Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital

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Orapich Kayunkid



Volume of outpatient services at Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital have impact on limited health resources. This qualitative research, therefore, aims to 1) study the application of LEAN concepts for improving the quality of outpatient services at Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital; 2) to analyze factors affecting the success of implementing LEAN concepts into practice.

Methods: We selected specific informants, collected data by in-depth interviews and study related documents. Data analysis was performed using content analysis method.

Results: The use of the LEAN concept for improving the quality of outpatient services can be divided into 3 phases: the first phase; starting the project, preparing policy guidelines and public relations throughout the organization and build a quality development team according to the LEAN concept. Second phase; implementation by training personnel and creating a pilot agency assessment. Third phase; the successful results include: improving quality of outpatient services, patients and service providers are satisfied, and creating new innovations from routine work.

Conclusion: Success factors include organizational leadership, teamwork of personnel at all levels, patient-centered management, the use of strategic policies to drive organization, having a directly responsible team and using culture management based on LEAN mindset to achieve sustainability.

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