Study Accessibility of Telemedicine via Browser in Emergency department, Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital

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Jakkapat Seelasana
chatchawal Chantaphet


Introduction : The spread of COVID-19 is resulting in the rapid development of telemedicine systems worldwide. Almost all traditional telemedicine systems are developed based on their applications that required registration and installation before the first time of use. This could result in delays when emergency patients attempt to access the telemedicine system. Nowadays, Web-browsers are often preinstalled from the factory into every device that connects to the Internet and can be upgraded automatically. Web-based telemedicine could potentially alleviate delays by bypassing the need for installation and registration, while also offering critical information such as precise location and IP address that useflu for pre-hospital care.

Objectives : To study the accessibility rate of web browser-based telemedicine system in the emergency room of Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital.  Secondary objective was to assess the satisfaction of the participants.

Methods : This research was a single-center cross-sectional analytic study.  A total of 107 participants met the inclusion requirements. Participants was tested for the accessibility rate of web-based telemedicine system using their mobile phones. The results were recorded by emergency physicians at Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital.

Results : The device support rate of telemedicine system via web browser are 100 % in medical personnel, 93.4 % in general people and 88.79 % of test subjects were very satisfied after joining telemedicine via browser.  The self-accessibility rates are 80.33 % in the general population and 86.96% in healthcare workers.

Conclusion : In general population, the level of accessibility of the web browser-based telemedicine (80.33 %)

is less than the application-based telemedicine service at Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital (94 %).

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สันต์ ใจวงค์ การยอมรับและการนำระบบโทรเวชกรรมเข้าไปใช้กับกระบวนการสาธารณสุข ในพื้นที่ห่างไกลกรณีศึกษา : โรงพยาบาลสมเด็จพระยุพราชเชียงของวารสารวิจัยและพัฒนามจธ. ปีที่ 40 ฉบับที่ 4

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