Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
Print the manuscript on A4 paper
- size 16 of TH SarabunNew font,single space
- with margins of at least 2.5 cm from all sides
-page numbers on top right of every page - The first page consists of the title, the author's name and surname, qualifications, and workplace (both in Thai and English). The title should be short and relevant to the objective and the main text.
- The second page contains no more than300 words of abstract in Thai and in English, the title, and the author's name (both in Thai and in English)
- The text should be simple and concise. If the manuscript is in Thai, follow the rules according to the Royal Institute Dictionary. Do not use punctuation marks. Use only Thai words except English words that cannot be translated clearly. If an abbreviation is not universal, indicate the full word when first used. For drugs, use generic names (in bracket when necessary).
- Tables are printed separately. Each table has a title in the order of appearance in the text and after the reference.
- Use black-and-white figures or ink-based images with a title in the order of appearance in the text.
- Explanation of figures is printed separately with concise messages.
- In-text citations is in numeric order with Arabic numbers (superscript) and without bracket.
- Use Vancouver reference style, by “International Committee of Medical Journal Editors: ICMJE” in the order of appearance in the text. Abbreviation of journal names is written according to the Index Medicus.
- All references are written in English. If the source of references is in Thai or other foreign languages, there must be an article title and the author's name in English in the text or the source of those references.
- For articles referenced in Thai language, please attach files or links of documents used for reference.
- Authors are requested to fill in the information of all authors in the List of Contributors box, indicating the institutions or organizations to which each person belongs.