การศึกษาปัจจัยที่มีผลต่อความผาสุก ความผูกพันและความพึงพอใจของบุคลากร รพ.ค่ายสรรพสิทธิประสงค์

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พงษ์ศักดิ์ จรัสรังสีชล


Background: Fort Sanprasitthiprasong Hospital has implemented Public Sector Management Quality Award (PMQA) standards to develop the best organizational practices. This included the fifth criteria relating to human Resources, especially determining key factors affecting staff engagement and satisfaction. Two key groups of factors, hygiene and motivation were studied for improvement. Objective: Study of the key factors that affect staff engagement and satisfaction and priority setting for better development. Materials and Method: Study by Questionnaire and ranking the opinion, s score from point 1 (minimum or unaffection) to point 5 (maximum affection). Calculation and analysis the data for year action plan. Results: Sample were studied on 170 personnel (30.3% of total staff members). Five factors found to most affect hygiene among the staff members surveyed were Benefit and Welfare (87.5%), Healthy Workplace and Material Readiness (81.25%), Communication and Coordination (81.25%), Administration policy (75%), Cooperation and Trust (75%). Conclusion: The factors affecting motivation received rating of 50% - 62.5%, which is rather low. These results were compared to the staff satisfaction survey conducted during the same period. The satisfaction score was found to be lower than expected by the hospital (measured at Key hospital – level indicators), less than 80 % in those questions similar to the five factors affecting Hygiene. Especially in the factor of Cooperation and Trust which received a satisfaction score of only 67.70%. A Gap Analysis compared recommended practice and actual practice for an Opportunity For Improvement (OFI) for all factors. The OFI is being used to formulate a staff engagement and satisfaction plan and establish the evaluation system for the following year .

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นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ (Original Article)