ทัศนคติและความรู้ความเข้าใจเกี่ยวกับการเรียนการสอน PBL ของอาจารย์ที่สอนในหลักสูตรแพทยศาสตรบัณฑิต

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ปนัดดา หัตถโชติ


Problem-based Learning (PBL) is one of the teaching methods that instructors must help students to  determine what they should learn through studying of varied resources by themselves. PBL has been adopted in  Thailand for more than ten years with little successful implementation. There are many factors influence this successful such as attitude, knowledge and understanding of PBL concepts of staffs. Objective: To assess attitudes and knowledge of medical instructors in Thailand on problem-based learning (PBL). Methods: Questionnaires of PBL attitude and knowledge were administered to instructors at 9 medical schools during academic year 2547-2548, and then were collected and processed. Results: As a group, 52.9% of the respondents had a favorable attitude  and 53.1% had a correct knowledge of the PBL concepts and 74.6% were experienced in PBL teaching, The  motivations for joining PBL activities were that PBL provides several benefits to students and staffs sincerely want  to develop a curriculum pattern and method of teaching. However the negative aspects of PBL stymied their  attempts including the fact that PBL requires more staffs with correct knowledge of PBL and skill in facilitation skill in writing effective PBL scenarios and more resources and smaller rooms equipped for group discussion. It was found that knowledge of the PBL concepts was significantly associated with a favorable attitude (which is a choice) and with experience in PBL. There is a significant difference in attitude between staffs who had understanding  in the PBL concepts correctly and who had not. A difference in knowledge and understanding in PBL  was also found between staffs who have experiences in PBL and who have not nevertheless there is no difference in attitude between these groups. Conclusion: Allowing participation in PBL and increasing medical staff   nowledge of PBL and providing training on group facilitation should engender a positive attitude and successful PBL implementation.

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นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ (Original Article)