การฟื้นสภาพด้านการรู้คิด (Cognitive Function) ดีขึ้นในผู้ที่ได้รับบาดเจ็บสมอง (Traumatic Brain Injury) อย่างรุนแรงโดยใช้ Sensory Stimulation Program

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ธเนศ ชาญด้วยกิจ


Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a major health problem. Although good emergency care diagnostic technology medical intervention and nursing care have resulted in increased survival following TBI patients with TBI can experience long-term functional impairments including physical cognitive behavioral and emotional changes. TBI effects individuals cognitive function is the basic of learning and comprises memory awareness and attention. The purpose of this study was to describe cognitive function following sensory stimulation program (SSP). We prospectively studied the effects of the Sensory Stimulation Program (SSP) in 7 severe TBI patients. Recovery outcome was measured by using Glasgow Coma Scale the Rancho Los Amigo Scale the Sensory Modality Assessment and Rehabilitation Technique length of coma. Of the 7 patients 4 (57.1%) improved their cognitive functions 2 (28.6%) had no improvement and 1 (14.3%) died from complication. We conclude that the sensory  stimulation program enhanced plasticity and led to the improvement of the brain that supported long-term cognitive  function.

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นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ (Original Article)