ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างปัจจัยคัดสรรกับคุณลักษณะทางจริยธรรมของพยาบาล ตามการรับรู้ของผู้รับบริการ

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ปราณี อ่อนศรี


Ethical attributes of professional nurses is very importance. Nurses need to m m aintain professional ethics at all times. In addition knowledge and experience of the nursing profession is critical. Nurses have to be patient self-sacrificing and responsible for work. Moreover nurses m m ust have a good interpersonal skill compassionate and gently providing first class nursing care to the patients. Nurses m m ust understand and follow the ethics and philosophy of Thailand nursing and m m idwifery council. At present the hospital has been developing a system of quality assurance. The information from the patients about ethical attribute among professional nurses is reflected the quality of nursing service. This study will be useful for enhancing service system and caring with high quality. Objective: To study relationship between selected factor and ethical attributes of professional nurses based on the client perception. Research Design : Descriptive research. Materials and Methods : One hundred ninty-five patients who had been serviced by nurses at the emergency room in Phramongkutklao Hospital were enrolled with purposive sampling. The questionnaire which we m m odified from Wanna Suksabai and Siwaporn Tongsuk (2009) was used in this study. The questionnaire was evaluated and approved by 3 3 specialists, and tested for the reliability by using Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient m m ethod (0.94). The data were analyzed by using the m m ean, standard deviation, pearson product m m oment correlation and chi-square. Result : The overal perception toward ethical attributes of professional nurses was in highest level (79.6%). Appropiate dressing and good personal appearance was the highest score (mean 4.59) whereas fast nursing services was the lowest (mean 4.03). There was no relationship between selected factor (gender age hometown educational level occupation and frequency of visit) and ethical attributes of professional nurses. Discussion : Ethical attributes of professional nurses at emergency room Phramongkutklao Hospital based on the client perception is excellent. In this study fast nursing services was the lowest score. It suggested that professional nurses m m ust improve the nursing services by giving information talking to patients and responding to patients needs.

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นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ (Original Article)