ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างการเปลี่ยนแปลงของค่าร้อยละปริมาณเม็ดเลือดแดงอัดแน่นกับปริมาณเหล็กเสริมที่ได้รับในประชากรหญิงตั้งครรภ์ที่มาฝากครรภ์ที่โรงพยาบาลท่าวุ้ง จังหวัดลพบุรี

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ณัฐ ดำรงค์มงคลกุล


During pregnancy pregnant woman requires increasing quantities of iron need for the production of increasing haemoglobin and for being as an essential elemental nutrient for both mother and fetus. To avoid anemic condition derived from iron deficiency. Iron supplement given to mother seems to be necessary. Thereforeto give amount of iron supplement appropriated to the need for bodily haemoglobin production among pregnant women  should be considered. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between the haematocritand the amount of iron supplement received among pregnant women  the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women and the distribution of amount of iron supplement received by pregnant women in antenatal care unit of thawung hospital at lopburi province Materials and methods: This study is a descriptive study by study through  all medical record of pregnant women in antenatal care unit of Thawung Hospital for the whole fiscal year of 2548. Data were collected from medical record which composed of demographic data antenatal haematologic vaccination risk evaluation data. Analyzed data by descriptive statistic and Chi-Square Test. Result: The total population of pregnant women was 244 but only 107 cases who met the requirements were selected. Selected sample  were classified to three groups based on gestational ages as first second and third trimester groups. The second  trimester group consisted of largest members of 53 women (49.5%). Among women attend in first antenatalcare 18 of them (16.8%) were anemic. The largest population of 72 women (67.3%) received 1 tablet of iron supplement a day. Four women (3.7%) received 3 tablets a day Two women (1.9%) received 2 tablets a day 29 women (27.1%) received many tablets a day. In comparison of proportion of anemic mother who received 1  tablet of iron supplement  between first and second screening test was 5.6:11.2 and in who received many tablets was   4.5:3.4.The relation between the tablets of iron supplement received per day and increase of haematocrit were  studied. The haematocrit of mother group who received 1 tablet per day remain unchanged or decrease 3.64 times as compared to those who received other numbers of tablet (p-value=0.002). The haematocrit of mother group who received  many tablet per day increase 2.46 times as compared to those who received other numbers of tablet ( pvalue=0.04) Conclusion: It can’t be conclude about the relationship between 1 tablets of iron supplement received per day and increase of haematocrit. But there is relationship between many tablets of iron supplement received per  day and increase of haematocrit statistical significantly.

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นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ (Original Article)