Burnout among Perioperative Nurses in Public Hospitals in Bangkok

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วีระยุทธ บุญเกียรติเจริญ
บุญเติม แสงดิษฐ
ทศพร วิมลเก็จ


Introduction: Burnout in work come from chronic stress response and they cannot handle the stress. Objective: To assess the level of burnout in perioperative nurses in public hospitals in Bangkok and study related factors Method: A descriptive study, included perioperative nurses in public hospitals in Bangkok. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was sent to nurses. The data were analyzed using correlation and multiple regression analysis. Result: Three hundred fifteen burnout nurses were effect from the emotional exhaustion in medium level, depersonalization in low level and, reduced personal accomplishment in medium level. The average scores are 20.75, 2.62, and 33.87 respectively. The influent factors of burnout in emotional exhaustion are work experience, job responsibility, interpersonal relationship and perception in service system. The influent factors of burnout in depersonalization are work experience, job responsibility and perception in service system. Finally, the influent factor of burnout in reduced personal accomplishment is work experience. Conclusion: Perioperative nurses have burnout which are effect from emotional exhaustion and the reduced personal accomplishment in medium level. Many factors are related to burnout in each dimension. Improvement of these factors may prevent perioperative nurses from burnout.

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นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ (Original Article)


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