Shift Work and Its Association with Glycemic Control among Type 2 Diabetes Patients

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อธินันท์ ชัญญาวงศ์ศักดิ์
สุภมัย สุนทรพันธ์
สุมาลี วังธนากร


Introduction: Shift work can cause circadian misalignment and may affect glycemic control.

Objective: To study the correlation between shift work and glycemic control and factors associating with poor glycemic control. Method: Cross-sectional study with analytic component by using questionnaires and interviews. The participants were two hundred and ten type 2 diabetes patients (105 non-shift workers and 105 shift-workers).

Result: There is no statistic difference of hemoglobinA1c levels in both non-shift workers and shift workers (HbA1cnon-shiftworkers = 7.95   HbA1cshift workers = 7.61   P-value = 0.156). The multivariate analysis showed no correlation between shift work and glycemic control (P-value = 0.196). The factors associating with poor glycemic control are younger age (B = -0.059  ORadj = 0.94 95% CI = 0.89-0.99   P-value = 0.019), prolonged duration of diabetes (B = 0.088 ORadj = 1.09 95% CI = 1.01-1.82   P-value = 0.029), insulin injection (B = 2.763  ORadj = 15.84 95% CI = 2.00-125.47  P-value = 0.009) and increased stress (B = 0.021  ORadj = 1.02 95% CI = 1.01-1.04  P-value = 0.044)

Conclusion: Shift work is not associated with glycemic control. We should focus on modifiable factor (stress) in order to help the patients control their glycemic control.

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นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ (Original Article)