The development of Preoperative screening tool for Postoperative Delirium in elderly patients

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Aimpapha Prechaterasat


Introduction: Postoperative delirium (POD) in the elderly patients have sign and symptom; change in consciousness levels, lack of concentration, loss of perception, date, time, place and person, decision making, reasoning deficiencies, duration period in hours or days. Most common on day 1-3 after surgery. Purpose: To develop and test the pre-operative screening tool for post-operative delirium in elderly patients. Material and methods:      The study is prospective descriptive. Review literature about post-operative delirium risks in elderly patients and to develop the pre-operative screening tool for the post-operative delirium in elderly patients. There are 9 delirium risks factors which are 1) age 2) history of alcoholism 3) intelligence disorders, cognition, awareness 4) pre-operative depression 5) history of drug use in Anticholinergics and Benzodiazepines. 6) Unbalanced levels of serum potassium in the blood. 7) Lower hemoglobin and hematocrit levels. 8) Malnutrition and 9) Taking medication ≥ 5 types through the content validation from experts is equal to 1.0, applied to the 200 elderly patients, male and female aged 65 years and older, who are in major surgery in General Surgery Department. Colorectal Surgery Department, Cardiac Surgery Department, Orthopedic Surgery Department at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. Result: The results of pre-operative screening tool for the post-operative delirium in elderly patients are 81.50% Sensitivity, 39.30% Specificity, 81.40% Positive Predictive Value, 60.70% Negative Predictive Value and 2,057 likelihood ratios. Conclusion: The developed tools can screen the post-operative delirium in elderly patients and predict the post-operative delirium is quite accurate.

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