Correlation between hand-behind-back (HBB) test and hand-behind-neck (HBN) test with shoulder capsule and pectoral muscle length
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Background and objectives: This study therefore aimed to study the relationships between the functional tests; HBB test and HBN test with shoulder joint capsule tightness and pectoral muscle length.
Methods: Five hundred sixty-six records of new patients with shoulder problems according to medical records of Physical Therapy Center, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Mahidol university including shoulder joint capsule tightness, pectoral muscle length, HBB test and HBN test. Non-parametric correlational studies have been investigated by using Spearman’s correlation coefficient.
Results: HBB test significantly correlated with shoulder anterior capsule tightness, while HBN test significantly correlated with shoulder superior capsule tightness (P < 0.001). Moreover, HBB test and HBN test also significantly correlated with pectoralis major muscle length (P < 0.001).
Conclusions: Joint capsule tightness assessment is significant because of its relationship with functional mobility. The holistic assessments therefore influence the effective intervention plans.
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