The Development of an Oral Health Promotion Model using a Comprehensive Dental Care Application for the Army in the Thai Third Army Area

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Arnun Jukisalapong


Background: Oral health represents a global concern that has garnered significant attention from nations worldwide. The integration of information technology within healthcare constitutes a vital aspect in fostering well-being. Objectives: To develop an oral health promotion model using a comprehensive dental care application. The specific objectives are: 1) to diagnose the situation and needs for oral health promotion, 2) to develop the model using dental care application, and 3) to do a pilot test and evaluate the model. Material and methods: The research consists of three phases: Phase 1: Situation analysis, Phase 2: Model development based on data collected, and Phase 3 Model Testing and Evaluation. Phase 1, data were collected from two sample groups: Group 1 (270 participants) and Group 2 (15 participants), quantitative data collection was done using a set of questionnaires measuring oral health beliefs, oral health care behaviors, digital skills, and oral health status. And the guideline for in-depth interview was used to collect qualitative data from Group 2. Phase 2, a comprehensive dental care application was developed. Phase 3, the model was tested and evaluated with the sampled group of 60 individuals, experimental and comparison groups of 30 individuals each. Results: After the experiment, according to the statistical analysis employing Chi-square Test, Cross-tabulation, Fisher’s Exact test, t-test and Welch t-test, it was found that the experimental group had a significantly higher level of oral health beliefs, oral health care behaviors, and keeping appointment rate than the comparison group (P<0.05) and held the highest level of satisfaction of application using (Mean=4.61). Conclusions: With this oral health promotion model, patients can learn oral health care by themselves, resulting in improved oral health beliefs, oral health care behaviors, and oral health status.

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How to Cite
Jukisalapong, A. (2024). The Development of an Oral Health Promotion Model using a Comprehensive Dental Care Application for the Army in the Thai Third Army Area. Royal Thai Army Medical Journal, 77(2), 149–165. retrieved from
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