Incidence and Risk Factors Associated with Thrombosis at Presentation of Polycythemia Vera (PV)

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Tanapun Thamgrang
Chayanon Boontheeralert



Polycythemia vera (PV) thromboembolism has a significant impact on morbidity and mortality, with a variety of risk factors.


To evaluate the incidence of thrombosis in PV patients, identify associated risk factors, and assess clinical outcomes, including thrombosis-free survival and overall survival (OS).


Data from Phramongkutklao Hospital (January 2000 to November 2023) were retrospectively analyzed. Patients diagnosed with PV (WHO 2022 criteria) were included, and demographic information, cardiovascular risk factors, thrombotic events, and laboratory data were collected.


We enrolled 190 patients (73.68% male) with a mean age of 60.94±13.83 years and a median follow-up period of 3.13 years. Of these, 65.79% were classified as ELN high-risk. Thrombosis occurred in 67 patients (35.26%) either before or at PV diagnosis, with predominantly arterial. Key cardiovascular risk factors included hypertension (75.79%), dyslipidemia (56.84%), diabetes mellitus (50%), and smoking (34.74%). The JAK2V617F mutation was present in 73.16%. Mean hemoglobin was 18.08±1.84 g/dL; median WBC and platelet counts were 11,270/mm³ (IQR: 8,200-16,600) and 387,000/mm³ (IQR: 245,000-611,000), respectively. Multivariable analysis identified age ≥60 years (aOR 2.30; 95% CI: 1.21-4.38), female (aOR 1.60; 95% CI: 0.80-3.19), and WBC >11,000/mm³ (aOR 1.81; 95% CI: 0.96-3.41) as factors associated with thrombosis either before or at PV diagnosis. Post-diagnosis thrombosis occurred in 8.95%, with a 10-year cumulative incidence of 19.53%. Thrombosis-free survival and overall survival (OS) at 10 years were lower in the thrombosis group either before or at diagnosis group, at 59.65% vs. 76.71% (p=0.2037) and 67.06% vs. 87.54% (p=0.027), respectively.


The incidence of thrombosis occurring either before or at the time of PV diagnosis is consistent with findings from previous studies. Among the factors analyzed, age ≥60 years is the only statistically significant risk factor.

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How to Cite
Thamgrang, T., & Boontheeralert , C. (2024). Incidence and Risk Factors Associated with Thrombosis at Presentation of Polycythemia Vera (PV). Royal Thai Army Medical Journal, 77(4), 331–348. retrieved from
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