Risk Factors and Managing Pre-diabetes for Health Personnel

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Apinya Indhraratana
Aree Sanee
Ong-on Prajankett
Pornnapa Charoensan
Sirirat Chamnongchit
Kannika Pantaraksa
Apitchada Chaiwises
Tippayarat Kiatikulchai


Pre-diabetes is a condition that affects the destruction of small and large blood vessels due to elevated blood sugar levels, which causes complications or risks of diseases similar to diabetes. The main purpose of caring for people with pre-diabetes is risk factor control, preventing and delaying the onset of diabetes Including prevention of heart disease and various complications. This article reviews meaning and importance of pre-diabetes, health risks that occurred from pre-diabetes, risk factors leading to pre-diabetes, and guidelines for managing people with pre-diabetes such as health screening, health examination, lifestyles modification, and strategies for health care providers to successfully implement the guidelines for preventing pre-diabetes.

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How to Cite
Indhraratana, A., Sanee, A., Prajankett, O.- on, Charoensan, P., Chamnongchit, S., Pantaraksa, K., Chaiwises, A., & Kiatikulchai, T. (2024). Risk Factors and Managing Pre-diabetes for Health Personnel. Royal Thai Army Medical Journal, 77(4), 367–381. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtamedj/article/view/271365
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