Path analysis of factors affecting quality of life inpregnant women

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อัญญา ปลดเปลื้อง
สุพรรณี กัณหดิลก
เพ็ญพักตร์ ลูกอินทร์
ณัฐพร อุทัยธรรม
พรพรรณ พรมประยูร
จิริยา อินทนา


          The aim of this research was to study factors related to the quality of life and to analyze path model of factors affecting quality of life in the pregnant women. Samples were 611 pregnant women in Kanchanaburi, SuphanBuri, Ratchaburi and Phetchaburi selected by purposive sampling. Research instruments were the optimism scale, family relationships scale, the self-esteem scale, the social-support scale, the self-efficacy scale and the quality-of-life scale. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation and evaluated using path analysis.

          The resultsshowed thatquality of life in the pregnant women was on a high level. The path model affecting the quality of life is in accordance with empirical data gif.latex?\bar{x}2= 4.958, df=1, gif.latex?\bar{x}2/df=4.958,  p=.026, GFI=.997, AGFI=.943, CFI=.998, TLI=.973, RMSEA=.081, RMR=.004, NFI=.998. Quality of life of the pregnant women was based on social support, self-efficacy, family relationships, optimism, and self-esteem. Optimism, family relationships, self-efficacy, social support, and self-esteem directly and positively influenced quality of life in the pregnant women. Self-esteem, self-efficacy and social support were indirectly affecting quality of life by transmission optimism. All variables match the variance of quality of life in the pregnant women at 69 percent.

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ปลดเปลื้อง อ, กัณหดิลก ส, ลูกอินทร์ เ, อุทัยธรรม ณ, พรมประยูร พ, อินทนา จ. Path analysis of factors affecting quality of life inpregnant women. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2018 Jan. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];27(3):42-56. available from:


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