Relationships between Selected Factors and HIV Disclosure of Thai Women to Their Partners

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สุพัตรา ไชยพลบาล
พูลสุข เจนพานิชย์ วิสุทธิพันธ์
มณี อาภานันทิกุล



       This descriptive correlative study was conducted to investigate the relationship of demographic data (age, education, and period of living together with partners), perception of stigma, and perception of social support to HIV disclosure by Thai women to their partners. The study adopted the conceptual framework on HIV disclosure by women developed by Sowell et al. A purposive sampling technique was used to recruit 70 HIV-infected women who received medical services at the Medicine Outpatient Department of Ramathibodi Hospital during 2016-2017, and who were living together with their partners. The instruments for data collection included a questionnaire on demographic data, a questionnaire on perception of stigma of HIV-infected patients, and a questionnaire on perception of social support for HIV-infected patients. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and

Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. This study found that the majority of the sample were aged between 30-39 years (44.3%), were educated to a secondary level (31.4%) and lived together with their partners from 6 months to 35 years,

with an average period of 9.33 years (SD=8.94). The HIV infection was mainly from heterosexual relationships (85.7%). Most samples disclosed their HIV infection to their partners (70%). Their overall perception of stigma was at a moderate level (67.1%).

                The perception of social support was at a moderate level for 50% of the samples and at a high level for 48%. Based on the Spearman’s correlation analysis, age, education, perception of stigma, and perception of social support were associated with HIV disclosure by Thai women to their partners with a statistical significance (p<0.05). The results of this study could be applied to the development of guidelines for the provision of counselling to HIV-infected women in order to encourage HIV disclosure to their partners

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How to Cite
ไชยพลบาล ส, วิสุทธิพันธ์ พเ, อาภานันทิกุล ม. Relationships between Selected Factors and HIV Disclosure of Thai Women to Their Partners. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [Internet]. 2018 Sep. 10 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];28(2):80-93. Available from:


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