Comfort amidst Pain during Childbirth: From Theory to Practice

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มาวศรี มานุช
สุนันทา ศรีมาคำ


Kolcaba’s Nursing Theory explains concepts about comfort, stating that comfort can occur, even when people are faced with health-threatening situations.  The same is true for comfort during childbirth in which positive feelings can occur.  And if comfort during childbirth is properly promoted, women in labor can perceive greater comfort.  Even when pain is unavoidable, feelings of comfort can originate with the woman in labor as a result of preparation for childbirth and care from health providers based on physical, psycho-spiritual, social and environmental needs met during childbirth. This paper proposes concepts on comfort as it applies to childbirth.  The instrumentation employed evaluated comfort during childbirth, promotion of comfort and the experiences of the author as a guideline for the care of women during labor and childbirth.

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มานุช ม, ศรีมาคำ ส. Comfort amidst Pain during Childbirth: From Theory to Practice. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];29(2):1-11. Available from:


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