A Study of Consistent Condom Use Among Males Living With HIV Drug Resistance A Study of Consistent Condom Use Among Males Living With HIV Drug Resistance

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พิกุล เขื่อนคำ
พูลสุข เจนพานิชย์ วิสุทธิพันธ์
สมนึก สังฆานุภาพ


The present study was based on a descriptive correlational research design aimed at studying the correlations between consistent condom use and related factors using Theory of Planned Behavior among primary and secondary males with HIV drug resistance (HIVDR).  The subjects were purposively sampled 55 subjects. Data were collected using questionnaires, including personal data, illness and treatment, sexual intercourse in three months and in the past, HIV infection, condom use behaviors and correlations between consistent condom use and related factors. The findings of the study revealed that 72.7% of the subjects always used condoms during sex. Concerning the correlations between consistent condom use and related factors, intention to use condom was correlated with consistent condom use with statistical significance (r=.534, p<.001) and perceived behavioral control of condom use was correlated with consistent condom use with statistical significance (r=.402, p=.002). According to the findings, campaigns should encourage males with HIVDR in their intention to use condom during sex with a spouse/partner by raising their awareness of the importance of condom use every sexual intercourse. Support for males with HIVDR who have perceived behavioral control of condom use when there is a need to use condoms to prevent the spread of HIVDR to spouses/partners, prevent them from getting more infections.

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How to Cite
เขื่อนคำ พ, วิสุทธิพันธ์ พเ, สังฆานุภาพ ส. A Study of Consistent Condom Use Among Males Living With HIV Drug Resistance: A Study of Consistent Condom Use Among Males Living With HIV Drug Resistance. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];29(2):152-64. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tnaph/article/view/214913


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