The Effect of Happy Reminiscence Therapy on Decreasing Depression Among Women Who Lost Their Husbands from Southern Violence

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อังคณา วังทอง
ศรีสุดา วนาลีสิน
อนุชิต วังทอง
ซูร์ฮูดี ลีเด็ง
นุรไอนี ลาเตะ


The purpose of this quasi-experimental research was to study the effect of Happy Reminiscence Therapy on reducing depression in women who lost their husbands from the southern violence in Nongchik District, Pattani Province. Fifteen people were assessed before and after the experiment (one-group, pretest-posttest design) with the Depression Assessment Form. Data analysis was carried out with paired t-tests. The results showed that 1. The entire sample consisted of female, widow status 86.7 percent, The age ranged from 46-59 years (M=50.20, SD=5.02), 46.7 percent have junior high school education, 60.0 percent are government employees, 60.0 percent have income from 5,001 to 10,000 baht per month, 53.3 percent have low income, and 73.3 percent have no underlying disease. The results of average depression after Happy Reminiscence Therapy (HRT) were evaluated by the Depression Assessment Form (9 questions, 9Qs). Happy Reminiscence Therapy can significantly reduce depression of women who lost their husbands from Southern violence (t=3.489, p<.05).The result of this study showed that Happy Reminiscence Therapy reduced depression of this sample and may be applied to reduce depression in other patients.

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How to Cite
วังทอง อ, วนาลีสิน ศ, วังทอง อ, ลีเด็ง ซ, ลาเตะ น. The Effect of Happy Reminiscence Therapy on Decreasing Depression Among Women Who Lost Their Husbands from Southern Violence. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2019 Dec. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];29(3):94-106. available from:


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