The Relationship between Sense of Coherence and Health Promoting Behaviors Among Patients with Ovarian Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy
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The purposes of this descriptive research study were to explore sense of coherence and health promoting behaviors, and examine the relationship between sense of coherence and health promoting behaviors among patients with ovarian cancer receiving chemotherapy. One hundred and fifty patients with ovarian cancer receiving chemotherapy were recruited using purposive sampling. The questionnaire consisted of three parts, as follows, 1) personal data, 2) senses of coherence, and 3) health promoting behaviors. Instrument quality was validated by 3 experts. The Cronbach alpha reliabilities of the questionnaire Parts 2 and 3 were 0.88 and 0.79, respectively. Data were analyzed using Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. The study findings revealed that patients with ovarian cancer receiving chemotherapy had senses of coherence and health promoting behaviors at a high level ( =161.40, SD=23.25;
=3.69, SD=.32). Sense of coherence was statistically significantly correlated with health promoting behavior. (p<.01)
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