Health Determinants of Screening-viewing Behaviors among Preschool Children Aged 2-5 Years in Suphanburi Province
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This descriptive research aimed to study screening-viewing (SV) behaviors and the relationship between health determinants of parents, children, and family with SV behaviors among preschool children aged 2-5 years, Suphanburi province. The sample consisted of 303 parents of preschool children aged 2-5 years. Whereas, 182 parents returned the questionnaire (response rate = 60.06%). Data were collected by using self-administrated questionnaire. Then were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, chi-square statistics, and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Results revealed that the demographic data among parents and their children were female (74.20%) with an average age was 36.60 years (SD=11.47) and 51.60% of the children were female with an average age was 42.23 months (SD=8.88), respectively. The screen type used by the children was television (79.70%). The family’s health was nuclear families (63.70%). SV behaviors among preschool children aged was moderate level (50.60%). The relationship between the determinants of health (parents, children, and family aspects) to such behaviors among preschool children aged 2-5 years, included the parental age (r=.280, p<.001), parental attitudes towards screen use. (r=.215, p=.002), perceptions of the effects of using the screen of children (r=.389, p<.001), parental SV behaviors (r=.190, p=.005), child growth (r=-.181, p=.012) and guardian (χ2=3.122, p = .047). The results suggest that parents should engage in developmental activities with their children to prevent the further adverse effects on children in the future.
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