Factors Predicting Preventive Behaviors in Road Traffic Injury among Motorcycle Riders in the Northern Bangkok Area

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Soparn Potaya
Wilailak Intaram
Kanittraporn Prakobkit


This predictive study aimed to determine the factors that predicted the preventive behavior of motorcycle riders in northern Bangkok in relation to road traffic injuries. The research framework was based on the protection motivation theory. A total of 430 motorcyclists in northern Bangkok took part in this study. Simple random sampling was used to recruit these participants. The research instruments was self-administration questionnaire, which consisted of a personal information part, a preventive behavior for road traffic injury part, and a perception factors part. The reliabilities of the preventive behaviors and perception factors were .87 and .93, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression. The results revealed that motorcyclists’ overall preventive behaviour was at a high level ( X =4.31, SD=.46). Factors that influenced prediction were perceive probability of road traffic injury (β=.36, p<.01), intention to protect against road traffic injury (β=.27, p<.01), age (β=.26, p<.01), sex (β=.13, p<.05) and coping response efficacy (β=-.14, p<.05). These factors accounted for 31.6 percent in the variation of preventive behaviors among motorcyclists. This finding should be used to improve motorcyclists’ preventive behaviors for road traffic injuries by increasing perceive likelihood of road traffic injuries, intention to protect against road traffic injuries, and coping response efficacy, by taking into consideration of sex and age, to maintain preventive behaviors for road traffic injuries.

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How to Cite
Potaya S, Intaram W, Prakobkit K. Factors Predicting Preventive Behaviors in Road Traffic Injury among Motorcycle Riders in the Northern Bangkok Area. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2023 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];32(3):25-3. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tnaph/article/view/260645


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