The Effects of an Educational Program Using Multimedia Integrating Relatives’ Support on Postpartum Hemorrhage Preventive Behaviors in Primiparous Mothers

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Hathaikan Tavornsuk
Sununta Youngwanichsetha
ศศิกานต์ กาละ


The purpose of this study aimed to test the effects of a multiomedai edcational program incorporating sup­port from ralatives on postpartum hemorrhage preventive behaviors in primiparous mothers. The sample con­sisted of 60 primiparous mothers attending the antenatal department at a community hospital in Yala province between June 2020 and August 2020. An experimental group (30 subjects) received the educational program using multimedia integrating relatives’ support, and a control group (30 subjects) received usual nursing care. The interventional instruments consisted of a teaching plan of postpartum hemorrhage prevention and multime­dia of postpartum hemorrhage prevention. The instruments for data collection consisted of 1) a personal in­formation for primiparous mothers questionnaire, and 2) a postpartum hemorrhage prevention behavior as­sessment form. Instruments were examined for content validity by 3 experts. The reliability of the questionnaires were tested and yielded standard values. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation for demographic data, and the hypotheses were tested using the independent t-test. The results revealed that the experimental group after receiving the educational program using multimedia integrating relatives’ support had a mean score of postpartum hemorrhage preventive behaviors (M=30.23, SD=2.40) significantly higher than that of the control group (M=26.93, SD=1.96) (p<.01). The results showed that the educational program using multimedia integrating relatives’ support can promote postpartum hemorrhage prevention behavior in primiparous mothers, and its use should be promoted among pregnant women and postpartum mothers to reduce the risk of postpartum hemorrhage.

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How to Cite
Tavornsuk H, Youngwanichsetha S, กาละ ศ. The Effects of an Educational Program Using Multimedia Integrating Relatives’ Support on Postpartum Hemorrhage Preventive Behaviors in Primiparous Mothers. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2023 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];32(3):134-48. available from:


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