Pain Assessment of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury in the Intensive Care Unit

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Nusara Prasertsri
Yosapon Leaungsomnapa
Sangworn Katekham


Pain assessment of patients with traumatic brain injury in the intensive care unit (ICU) is a challenge for nurses. With regard to the patient’s state of consciousness, the inability to express self-reported pain has decreased. Pain assessment was based on pain behavior. Accurate pain assessment enables appropriate pain management in this group of patients. The purposes of this paper were to present pain in patients with traumatic brain injury and the Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool Neuro (CPOT-Neuro), which was used to assess patients with brain injury in the intensive care unit. This is to ensure appropriate pain management for the patient.

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Prasertsri N, Leaungsomnapa Y, Katekham S. Pain Assessment of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury in the Intensive Care Unit . NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2023 Apr. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 25];33(1):14-22. available from:


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