Factors Predicting Diabetes Prevention Behaviors among Postpartum Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

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Jirapha Singtan
Tatirat Tachasuksri
Wantana Suppaseemanont


The purpose of this predictive study was to analyze diabetes prevention behaviors and investigate determinants influencing diabetes prevention behaviors in postpartum women with gestational diabetes mellitus. Participants were 102 postpartum women with gestational diabetes who attended the obstetrics and gynecology clinic or diabetes clinic at one of three tertiary care hospitals in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). Data were collected by self-reported questionnaires from March to August 2022. The content validity indices and Cronbach’s alpha of the questionnaires ranged from .91-1.00 and .71-91, respectivety. Descriptive statistics and standard multiple regression were utilized to analyze the data. The findings indicated that the mean score for participants’ diabetes prevention behaviors was 52.48 (SD=6.14). Self-efficacy (ß=.639, t=8.129, p<.001) and social support (ß=.179, t=2.274, p=.025) were significant factors in predicting diabetes prevention behaviors. They accounted for 56.3% (R2=.563, F2,99=63.680, p<.001) of the variance in diabetes prevention behaviors. The findings imply that nurses and other healthcare providers should increase self-efficacy and social support among postpartum women with gestational diabetes mellitus to reduce the development of diabetes later in life.

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How to Cite
Singtan J, Tachasuksri T, Suppaseemanont W. Factors Predicting Diabetes Prevention Behaviors among Postpartum Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2023 Apr. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];33(1):62-73. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tnaph/article/view/262718


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