A Comparison of the Competency in Rational Drug Use of Nursing Graduates between Academic Years B.E. 2561 and 2562

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Narumol Laokosin
Matanee Radabutr
Kamolrat Turner
Phawida Putthikhan
สุนทราวดี เธียรพิเชฐ


This descriptive study aimed to evaluate the competency in rational drug use of nursing graduates in academic year B.E. 2562 and to compare the competency in rational drug use of nursing graduates between academic years B.E. 2561 and 2562. The samples were nursing graduates who graduated in academic years B.E. 2561 and 2562 from 86 nursing education institutions. The instrument was a questionnaire on competency in rational drug use of nursing students. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-tests. The results showed that nursing graduates in academic year B.E. 2562 had all RDU competencies at a high level. Correct administration of medication according to prescription was the highest competency (Mean=4.45, SD=.50). The competency to select the appropriate medication according to need was rated  lowest (Mean=4.33, SD=.54). Rational drug use competency of nursing graduates in academic years B.E. 2562 was higher than that n academic years B.E. 2561 at a significant level of p<.05. It is suggested that nursing education institutes and the Thailand nursing and midwifery councils should continuously organize teaching and learning activities that promote learners' rational drug use e to improve awareness, knowledge, and skill for rational drug use.

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How to Cite
Laokosin N, Radabutr M, Turner K, Putthikhan P, เธียรพิเชฐ ส. A Comparison of the Competency in Rational Drug Use of Nursing Graduates between Academic Years B.E. 2561 and 2562. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2023 Dec. 26 [cited 2025 Jan. 25];33(3):98-111. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tnaph/article/view/266929


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