Rehabilitative Massage for Stroke Patients with Muscle Weakness: A Systematic Review

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Pudsadee Korjedee
Achira Korjedee
Chanunchida Wongtao
Paputchana Maungthaitut


This study was a systematic literature review to investigate the effect of massage on stroke patients with muscle weakness. Experimental and quasi-experimental quantitative research papers published in Thai and English in Google Scholar, ThaiJo, PubMed, CINAHL, Medline Complete, and Cochrane Library databases from 2012–2022 were selected using a research screening tool developed by the researcher. A critical appraisal of experimental research or quasi-experimental research from the Joanna Briggs Institute was performed. Data extraction consisted of 2 parts, with Part 1 comprising general information about the research, and Part 2 comprising the content of the research. The second co-author of the study read the report independently and completed the data summary form. This systematic review found seven eligible articles on experimental and quasi-experimental studies concerning the effects of massage on stroke patients with muscle weakness, conducted both in Thailand (3 articles) and abroad (4 articles). The sample size was 50-444 people. There were 5 massage styles, including thick massage, touch massage, royal Thai massage and Indian massage. The results showed that massage reduced muscle spasms in patients with stroke, improved the function and sensation of nerve endings, and increased the ability to perform daily activities. Thus, it can be concluded that massage can be used in the rehabilitation of stroke patients.

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How to Cite
Korjedee P, Korjedee A, Wongtao C, Maungthaitut P. Rehabilitative Massage for Stroke Patients with Muscle Weakness: A Systematic Review. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2023 Dec. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];33(3):153-69. available from:


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