Effects of Utilizing Nursing Guideline for Patients Receiving Modified Electroconvulsive Therapy in Psychiatric Ward, Nan Hospital
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In the nursing care for patients treated with modified electroconvulsive therapy (modified ECT), nurses must have the necessary knowledge and skills to prevent adverse effects throughout the treatment process. This quasi-experimental study was integrated into routine nursing practice in a psychiatric unit at Nan hospital. The objectives of this study were to investigate effects of utilizing nursing guidelines for patients receiving modified ECT on 1) nurses’ knowledge of patient care during modified ECT and 2) the incidence of associated complications and adverse effects. The participants of the study were 33 registered nurses involved in administering modified ECT. Data were collected from 210 pre-implementation records of adverse effects and 200 post-implementation records after utilizing the nursing guideline of this study. The research instrument consisted of a nursing guideline, a test to assess knowledge about nursing care of patients with modified ECT, and a form to record complications and adverse effects from modified ECT. The study was implemented from March to September 2023. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, and Fisher exact tests. The results revealed that after implementing the nursing guideline, nurses' knowledge mean score was increased significantly, while the incidence of ECT-related complications decreased significantly. It can therefore be concluded that the application of the nursing guideline in this study leads to an in improvement in safety for patients receiving modified ECT procedures.
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