Factors Influencing Intention to Change Preconception Lifestyle among Reproductive Women Working in Eastern Economic Corridor

Main Article Content

Sirinapa Kaewpoung
Jirapha Singtan
Marisa Lappermub1
Tatirat Tachasuksri
Wannee Deoisres


Intention to change preconception life style among reproductive females results in pregnant

women’s health. This predictive study aimed to determine the intention to change the preconception

lifestyle and its predictors among reproductive-age women. Participants were 287 reproductive-age

women who were working in the Eastern Economic Corridor and came to get marriage certificates at

district offices in Chachoengsao province, Chon Buri province, and Rayong province. Data were

collected by self- reported questionnaires. The content validity values of the questionnaires were

.93-1.00 and Cronbach’s coefficients were .75-.89. Descriptive statistics and standard multiple

regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that the intention

to change the preconception lifestyle of the sample was rated at a high level ( Mean= 61. 48,

SD=6.82). Perceived self-efficacy (ß=.747, t=17.985, p<.001), subjective norm (ß=.123,

t=2.983, p=.003), and perceived barriers in preconception care (ß=-.073, t=-2.244, p=.026)

were significant predictors and together explained 71. 10% of the variance of intention to change

preconception lifestyle (R2=.711, F3,283=231.750, p<.001). The findings of this study suggested

that nurses and other health care providers should enhance women’s perceived self-efficacy and their

positive social norms and decrease women’s perceived barriers to preconception care.

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How to Cite
Kaewpoung S, Singtan J, Lappermub1 M, Tachasuksri T, Deoisres W. Factors Influencing Intention to Change Preconception Lifestyle among Reproductive Women Working in Eastern Economic Corridor. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2024 Aug. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];34(2):1-13. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tnaph/article/view/270876


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