The Effectiveness of a Fall Prevention Program on Fall Prevention Behaviors and Balance among the Elderly with Early Stage of Knee Osteoarthritis in Community
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Promotion of body balance and fall prevention are necessary activities for improving quality of life among the elderly with knee osteoarthritis. This quasi-experimental, one-group pretest-posttest study aimed to evaluate a fall prevention program's effects on fall prevention behaviors and balance in 30 elderly community members with early-stage knee osteoarthritis. Participants were aged over 60 years and were selected through purposive sampling. The instruments used included a questionnaire to assess sociodemographic data and another one to assess fall prevention behaviors. The Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and the Timed Up and Go Test (TUG)were also used to collect the data. The questionnaires' reliability values ranged from .75 to .95. The program of the study was developed based on self-efficacy theory as its conceptual framework. The elderly participated in an 8-week fall prevention program that included health education, demonstrations, and practical exercises. The program activities also included verbal persuasion and emotional arousal. Data analysis utilized descriptive statistics, and comparisons were made using paired t-tests. The results revealed that the mean score of fall prevention behaviors after the program (mean=66.43, SD=4.94) was higher than that before the program (mean= 58.76, SD=4.29), the mean score on the Berg Balance Scale after the program (mean=51.26,SD=6.22) was higher than that before the program (mean=42.96, SD=9.86), and the mean score on the Timed Up and Go test after the program (mean=13.63, SD=5.51) was lower than that before the program (mean=17.57, SD=7.21) with statistically a significant level at .05 (t( 2 9 ) FPB = -6 .9 7 , t( 2 9 ) BBS = -3.73, and t(29)TUGT = 2.88, respectively). The results suggest that a fall prevention program for the early stage of osteoarthritis should be implemented among the elderly in the community to promote body balance, which can reduce the risk of falls.
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