The Strategy Marketing for Develop Thai Massage Service in Tambon Health Promoting Hospital, Patio District, Yasothon Province


  • ไพศาล กอมะณี Public Health in Health Promotion Graduate School, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University
  • สุภาพร ใจการุณ Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, Faculty of public health
  • เผ่าไทย วงษ์เหลา Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, Faculty of science


The Strategy Marketing, Thai Massage


This research was conducted by Action Research. The purpose was aimed to 1 ) develop a marketing strategy for the development of Thai massage in Tambon Health Promoting Hospital in Patio district, Yasothon province and 2 ) compare the effectiveness of Thai massage between pre and post marketing strategy. The samples were conduct 2 groups as Group 1 included the joint research, including public health officials from Patio District Health Office and selecting a specific number 15 among. Group 2 of samples for studied of satisfaction. The recipients include Thai massage service in Tambon Health Promoting Hospital in Patio district, Yasothon fiscal year 2 5 5 6 total of 3 4 1 peoples and obtained by stratified random sampling. The instrument used in this study were 1) the process used to develop marketing strategies and Thai massage and 2) satisfaction of the clients Thai massage. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, ttest and analysis of time series data to generate equations trends. The results showed that 1 ) The process used to develop a marketing strategy and Thai massages in Tambon Health Promoting Hospital in Patio district, Yasothon province has 4 phases: Phase 1 the Planning was to study the context of Thai massage, workshop to create a marketing strategy and shaping the marketing strategy (4Ps) to establish a strategic choice. Phase 2 the Action: including the preparation of the statement of operations, observation marketing strategies and practical style planned. Phase 3 the Observation: including supervision and monitoring and support operations in the area. Then phase 4 the Reflect: include a comparison of the effectiveness of marketing strategies used to develop Thai massage in Tambon Health Promoting Hospital. Before and after the implementation of the development include: (1 )the satisfaction of the clients Thai massage, (2 )the number of recipients Thai massage, (3 )the total of Thai massage service, and (4)the frequency of service in Thai massage. 2) The level of satisfaction in Thai massage of samples both before and after the marketing strategy has not changed their level of satisfaction. Overall 4 sides at a high level and separately found that; (1 ) the products and services at a high level, (2 ) the price and service at a high level, (3 ) the environment at a high level, and (4 ) the promotion and publicity was moderate. 3) The mean level of satisfaction of the clients Thai massage after the marketing strategy to develop Thai massage was overall and individual higher than the 4 sides of a before marketing strategy was significant at the 0 . 0 5 . Suggests that the process of developing a marketing strategy and Thai massages in Tambon Health Promoting Hospital result in more satisfied customers. 4 )Number of new recipients Thai massage were not likely to increase the level of significance of 0 .0 5 . 5 )The Thai massage were expected to increase significantly the level of 0 .0 5 , the equation to predict the trend Y = 770.17+21.20x. 6) The frequency of Thai massage service (time/person) was not likely to increase the level of significance of 0.05.


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How to Cite

กอมะณี ไ., ใจการุณ ส., & วงษ์เหลา เ. (2016). The Strategy Marketing for Develop Thai Massage Service in Tambon Health Promoting Hospital, Patio District, Yasothon Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 5(2), 85–98. Retrieved from

