Development of a chronic kidney disease management model in diabetic and hypertension patients of Sawangweerawong Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani Province


  • สยาม ประสานพิมพ์ Sawangweerawong Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani Province


Model development, management of chronic kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure


Diabetes and hypertension are common chronic diseases. This is a major public health problem. If not treated properly. It will result in complications followed by chronic kidney disease. The research aimed to; 1) to analyze current conditions of chronic kidney disease management in diabetic patients and hypertension of Sawangwirawong Hospital, 2) to development of chronic kidney disease management model in diabetic patients and hypertension, and 3) to assess results of the chronic kidney disease management model in diabetic patients and hypertension of Sawangwirawong Hospital. Research methodology was divided into three phases: 1) analysis of current conditions 2) development of a system, and 3) evaluation of the model implementation. The research results showed that; 1) The Current situations of chronic kidney disease management in diabetic patients and hypertension of the Sawangwirawong Hospital provides health care services for patients with chronic kidney disease, provided by the Chronic Disease Clinic as part of outpatient services. 1,799 patients with diabetes and hypertension without kidney complications in the ward of Sawangwirawong Hospital were screened for 1,022 patients (56.81%). 287 new patients (28.08%). Chronic Kidney Disease patients had the highest level of Stage 3 severity, followed by Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 4 and Stage 5, respectively. 2) The model of chronic kidney disease management in diabetic patients and hypertension of Sawangwirawong Hospital consists of a clinic to slow kidney degeneration. And the team to protect the kidneys. 3) Regarding the model implementation, the findings were as follows: (1) Search and screening Diabetic patients and hypertension There were 1,843 patients without renal complications in the ward of Sawangwirawong Hospital and 1,663 (90.23%) were screened. There were 275 (16.54%) new cases of kidney disease. (2) Slowing down kidney degeneration Patients with chronic kidney disease of Sawangwirawong Hospital. After the development of the model decreased, every stage of chronic kidney disease had a lower consumption of salty foods in everyday life. Prior to the development, the average was 243.5 (84.85%). After the development, the mean was 57.53 (20.05%). There was a decrease in drug use (forget to consume) before development was 134.78 (46.96%) and after development decreased. The average was 56.73 (19.78%). and medication The prevalence was 256.67 (89.43%). After development, the mean was 272.89 or 95.08%.


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How to Cite

ประสานพิมพ์ ส. (2018). Development of a chronic kidney disease management model in diabetic and hypertension patients of Sawangweerawong Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 7(1), 27–34. Retrieved from

