Prevalence of risk for diabetes in primary school students in Regional Health 10


  • จิตตรา ตันเจริญ Tungbon Health Promoting Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani Province
  • อรอนงค์ บุรีเลิศ Faculty of Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University
  • นพรัตน์ ส่งเสริม Faculty of Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University
  • ญาณิฐา แพงประโคน Faculty of Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University


Risk for diabetes, prevalence of diabetes, primary school students


This research aimed to study the prevalence and the risk of diabetes in primary school students. The population was primary school students in Regional Health 10, consisting of 5 provinces, namely Ubon Ratchathani, Srisaket, Yasothon, Amnat Charoen and Mukdahan. The total number of students was 140,204 people in 14 Primary Educational Service Area Offices. The samples were 369 people. They were selected by a random sampling method based on the proportion to the number of students in each Educational Service Area Office. The data were collected by a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, namely frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were employed to analyze the data.  

              The results showed that most of the samples were male, 55.56%; aged 11 years, 39.84%, and studied in grade 5, 38.48%. Also, 63.96% lived with parents, and 31.17% of the parents were sellers. The family monthly income was not more than 5,000 baht: 30.62%. The total income of students per month was not more than 500 baht: 52.03%.  In addition, 35.23% of the students had a GPA of higher than 3.51. Also, 43.63% had the body mass index of 23.0-24.9 (overweight), followed by 25.0-29.9 (overweight): 42.01% and over 30.0 or more (obese): 14.36%. It was also found that 49.59% of the samples had the family members with diabetes and 81.57% of them had obese family members while 35.23% had dark and thick neck skin. Based on the assessment of the risk of diabetes, 53.93% were in the risk group: 31.44% were at a very high risk level and 24.33% were at a high risk level, respectively. However, 44.17% were in the non-risk group: 24.66% were at a relatively low risk level and 19.51% were at a moderate risk level, respectively.            

              In conclusion, diabetes is a chronic disease that is a global and national health problem that can occur in everyone at any age. The prevalence of diabetes risk in children is also likely to increase. Therefore, the screening of diabetes risk among children under 15 years of age who are at high risk of diabetes should be administered. The practice of children and family members in order to change behavior to reduce obesity and belly, which will help reduce the risk factors for diabetes and prevent the occurrence of diabetes in children, should also be promoted. 


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How to Cite

ตันเจริญ จ., บุรีเลิศ อ., ส่งเสริม น., & แพงประโคน ญ. (2019). Prevalence of risk for diabetes in primary school students in Regional Health 10. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 7(2), 18–25. retrieved from

