Respiraable dust concentration and related factors on workers health in solid waste plants, Municipalities Sisaket


  • วรุตติ์ จันทร์ส่องศรี Master of Public Health Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • วิศิษฎ์ ทองคำ Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • ยุพรัตน์ หลิมมงคล Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University


Respiraable dust, workers health, solid waste plants


This study is Correlational Analytic Research to investigate the relationship between Respirable dust. Using a personal air sampler, Calculate the average amount of dust in 8 hours. And find the relationship between the Respirable dust. Include relevant factors. The health status of workers in the Solid Waste Plants, Municipalities Sisaket. Use interview form. And 27 occupational lung function tests.

              The study indicated that Dust exceeds the standard set by the US Industrial Hygiene Commission. The lung capacity was normal at 25.93%, 74.07% with abnormal pulmonary growth restriction at 40%, moderate level at 10%, and obstructive pulmonary disease at 45.00%. High level 5%

              Suggestions from the results of the study. The supervisor should provide training in basic health care. The use of personal protective equipment required for the operation of garbage workers. Microbial contamination should be investigated in the Solid Waste Plants to determine the biological risk of the worker in the Solid Waste Plants. In addition, continuing education and long-term data collection are recommended for all weather and seasons. To get more clear results.


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How to Cite

จันทร์ส่องศรี ว., ทองคำ ว., & หลิมมงคล ย. (2019). Respiraable dust concentration and related factors on workers health in solid waste plants, Municipalities Sisaket. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 7(2), 95–107. retrieved from

