Implementation of national alcohol policy strategy in Amnatcharoen and Sisaket in 2016


  • ชุติมา บุญกลาง Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University


Alcohol policy, alcohol, policy implementation


This study aimed to investigate the implementation of national alcohol policy in Amnat Charoen and Sisaket province, to indicate supporting factors and obstacles deriving from implementing national alcohol policy in the two provinces, and eventually to locate suggestions for implementing national alcohol policy in the two provinces. The CIPP Evaluation Model was used. The Model consists of four steps including Step 1: Assessment of the environment (Context Evaluation: C), Step 2: Evaluation: I), Stage 3: Process Evaluation (P), Step 4: Product Evaluation (P). The target groups were the alcohol control committee at Amnat Charoen and Sisaket provinces who responsible for implementation of the five national alcohol policy strategies and other 33 persons concerned. Descriptive Statistics were used to describe the basic features of data which included percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research indicated that the two provinces were operating in various forms of networks. Such networks could be found at public, private, and individual level. The No Alcohol Network Organization also could be found in the two provinces.  The highlight of Amnat Charoen province was that the provincial governor announced the appointment of the District Alcohol Control Committee to allocate enough manpower to be able to thoroughly take care of people. Meanwhile, the highlight of Sisaket province was that the governor had an announcement to lead the province to become
"Si Sa Ket : The No Alcohol Province". 

               The supporting factors and obstacles in the implementation of national alcohol policy in the two provinces could be identified as follow: the supporting factor in Amnat Charoen province was the operation encouraging the work across environment in all districts of the province; whereby in Srisaket province, there were the Village Model of No Alcohol (in Siao sub-district, Posrisuwan district), as well as the no alcohol traditional and funeral ceremony. As such, it helped reduce cost of organizing various events for public as a whole. In the meantime, the obstacles derived from varieties of alcohol related orders, limitations occurred resulting from the process of introducing the policy into the provincial level was not rigorous. In the case of  Srisaket province, it showed the frequent change of management levels, the process for related operations had been changed accordingly. Moreover, such operations had impact against the benefit and career of the shop owners/ entrepreneurs. To proper carry out the operations, those shop owners/ entrepreneurs should take part in the campaign not to sell alcohol for underage children – aged below the age of legal criteria.     


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How to Cite

บุญกลาง ช. (2019). Implementation of national alcohol policy strategy in Amnatcharoen and Sisaket in 2016. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 7(2), 136–144. retrieved from

