Parental behaviors in the use of dry powder antibiotics in newborn to 6 years of age


  • อดิศร วงศ์คงเดช Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • ราณี วงศ์คงเดช Faculty of Medicine, Mahasarakham University
  • อรพรรณ โยธาไพร Sawang Dandin Crown Prince Hospital, Sakon Nakhon Province


Parental behaviors, antibiotics, newborn


This cross-sectional study investigated the parental behaviors of children in newborn to 6 years of age in the use of dry-type antibiotics, those who came to the hospital at the Crown Prince Sawang Dandin Hospital Sakon Nakhon, and factors related to antibiotic use. In February-June 2017, a simple sampling of 65 of the 219 samples, data was performed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.             The results showed that most of them were female (71.9%), aged from 15 to 88 years. The most common age was 31-50 years (53.8%). The overall drug use behavior (knowledge, attitude, practice) was at a moderate level. There were a number of low-scoring issues such as Recognize that antibiotics are the same as anti-inflammatory, do not use measuring devices, stop taking medicine when symptoms improve, they think that the injection is better than the drug regardless of the severity of the drug allergy, antibiotics should be given immediately when children got a cold, taking medication for other children with similar symptoms. Age factor was a significant associate with drug use in children (r = 0.385, p-value = 0.003).             Conclusion of the findings that need to be improved some knowledge, shift their attitude and the use of dry-type antibiotics in children. In addition, the age-related factors associated with the use It should be further investigated which age group should be recommended. To monitor and emphasize the advice that is more appropriate and appropriate for each case.


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How to Cite

วงศ์คงเดช อ., วงศ์คงเดช ร., & โยธาไพร อ. (2019). Parental behaviors in the use of dry powder antibiotics in newborn to 6 years of age. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 7(2), 166–173. Retrieved from

