The effect of Buddhism based health promotion programme of students in Faculty of Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University


  • Rommaneeyakorn Moonsin Faculty of Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University


health promotion programme, Buddhism based, student


The purpose of this study were (1) to experimental study design of (1) to Experiment on Buddhism based health promotion programme of students (2) to study the effect of Buddhism based health promotion programme of students. This study was a quasi-experimental research. Independent variables were Buddhism based health promotion programme. The dependent variable is the student's level of consciousness. Experimental period 19-21 July 2017. The instrument used to collect the data is a conscious level form and focus group form. The population is student academic year 2560, faculty of public health Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University. There were 794 student. It consists of 121 male students and 673 female students. The samples were 200 students. The sample was obtained by selecting specific sampling from volunteers who participated in the program and healthy. The research was divided into 2 groups. The pairing is similar in experienced meditation, and domicile. Then draw lots into the sample. The first 100 were the control group, the student lives normally. The last 100 samples had design to the health promotion programme. Living in the dharma Pavilion 24 hours for 3 days 2 nights. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, paired simple t-test and focus group.

The results of this study showed that

  1. After the experiment of the Buddhism based health promotion programme. The results showed that. The consciousness level in the experimental group was higher than the control group (P <0.001).
  2. From the focus group discussion, it was found that student 1) is more conscious than the present 2) Improved memory and thinking 3) have a more peaceful feeling 4) Have more discreetness 5) more discipline 6) have more perseverance in work 7) Know more sacrifices 8) More compassion and 9) know forgiveness.
  3. Conclusions and recommendations. The experiment of the Buddhism based health promotion programme increase the level of consciousness of students. Students are encouraged to develop ethics morality and volunteerism. These qualities will contribute to the advancement of life. Suggestions from the research are as follows. 1) Students should be divided into 2 teams, separated into 2 training sessions to facilitate for share the accommodation. 2) Should allocate more time to use the program. 3) Should create a corporate culture to promote the Buddhist way of life and other religions that students respect. 4) Should develop the concept of religious students to be modern.


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How to Cite

Moonsin, R. (2019). The effect of Buddhism based health promotion programme of students in Faculty of Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 8(1), 76–85. retrieved from

