An outbreak influenza A(H3) in temple A, Amnat Charoen Province on October 2017


  • Pathompong Pruprong Huataphan Hospital, Amnat Charoen Province
  • Samran Lekngam Huataphan Hospital, Amnat Charoen Province
  • Warunee Nasinpool Huataphan Hospital, Amnat Charoen Province


outbreak, influenza, type A(H3), temple, amnat charoen


On October 19, 2017 the Amnat Charoen Provincial Health Office was notified about the epidemiology of Hua Taphan Hospital that found the 6 patients of influenza among groups of monks who ordained the ordination of the group to perform charitable donations to the charity the His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej Boromnabophit on the occasion of the burial of the remains of Amnat Charoen Province. The Surveillance and Rapid Response Team in Amnat Charoen province investigated influenza on 20-31 October 2017 for the purpose of confirming the diagnosis and outbreak of influenza. To study the epidemiological characteristics of influenza by individuals, time, and place to find out the risk factors of influenza infection and also to take the appropriate measures to control and prevent the disease. The study is the retrospective cohort study which defined as “patients with asuspected” is the human has asymptom of fever and at least 2 symptoms that are acough, sore throat, nasal discharge, mucus, headache, fatigue, conjunctivitis, vomiting and muscle aches since 1-31 October 2017. “Patients confirmed” that the patients with a suspected have the positive results of the RT-PCR test for influenza virus. The results of the study present that the 82 monk patients with influenza from monks who ordained in this project 175 totals as 46.86%incidence rates. The median age of patients was 50 years (range 20-77 years), the most common symptoms are fever 100%, cough 85.54%, sore throat 73.49%, 60.24%runny nose, 28.92%headache, and had sputum 14.46% of the first patient became ill between October 9, 2017 patients participated in the ordination of this charity project since October 13, 2017andsteadily increased afterward. The highest number of patients are on October 19, 2017 which the lastest patient has the symptoms on October 24, 2017. The 4 specimens were collected by nasopharyngeal swab and test by RT-PCR methodat the Regional Medical Science Center 10th, Ubon Ratchathani province. The results found the genetic material of influenza virus type A H3 in total of 4 examples. For the analytical epidemiological result found that the statistically significant risk factors for infection with influenza measure are eating with patients (RR = 6.24, 95% CI 3.56-10.94) close contact with patients (RR = 4.91, 95% CI 1.31-6.59) and drink the same glass of water with others (RR = 3.77, 95% CI 1.36-2. 41). The measures are separate the accommodation, the meditation seat and appliances, health education, surgical masks serving, provide sinks near the accommodation, improve the environment, open the windows for clean air, and clean place and all appliances. After the disease controlled found that the number of cases are decreasing rapidly. The latest patient was found on October 24, 2017,was surveillance twice as long as the incubation period, no more patients were found


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How to Cite

Pruprong, P., Lekngam, S., & Nasinpool, W. (2019). An outbreak influenza A(H3) in temple A, Amnat Charoen Province on October 2017. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 8(1), 96–104. retrieved from

