Elderly health promotion of Wat Hua Fai Elderly School, Tumbon San Klang, Amphoe Phan, Chiang Rai


  • Rawipat Pullarp School of Health Science, Rachabhat Chaingrai University
  • Ananya Laorinthong School of Health Science, Rachabhat Chaingrai University
  • Suphan Vanisprinyakul School of Health Science, Rachabhat Chaingrai University


elderly health promotion, elderly school


The purpose of this research was to study the health promotion model of elderly in the elderly school. Use in-depth interviews with Pra-Khu Piyawanpipat who are the director, founder and a guest speaker. A researcher has a chance to participate in various activities in this elderly schools and using participatory observation. Analyze data by content Analysis method.

               The elderly school has been operating since 2011 they had various activities. In particular, the health promotion of the elderly consists of five aspects: 1. body the study found that elderly people get knowledge about their health care. They had a health check-up at the community hospital and some elderly people used herbs instead of using home remedies. Exercise the elderly exercise regularly in a variety of schedules, such as Tai Chi, aerobics, Pole and plaid looms rhythmic activities and retro-dance. Food elderly people drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. They eat fruits and vegetables. Do not cook salty foods and MSG. 2. The mental health elderly people told to themselves that the trouble has a solution and how to relieve stress by talking with friends and involve in activities such as planting, pets, radio, television and rest. 3. Social the elderly people had participated in various activities dinner or talk to friends and help each other. The resident elderly had to keep of appliances for clean house. 4. Spiritual Health elderly people have accepted the present condition. They Proud in themselves for attend the activities especially in Buddhism and income from the craft such as balsam, wipes and wicker. 5. Practices for safety The elderly people walked cautiously to prevent accidents especially walk up or down stairs. So these activities improve the quality of life for the elderly people.


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How to Cite

Pullarp, R., Laorinthong, A., & Vanisprinyakul, S. (2019). Elderly health promotion of Wat Hua Fai Elderly School, Tumbon San Klang, Amphoe Phan, Chiang Rai. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 8(1), 149–158. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubruphjou/article/view/211535

