The effectiveness of empowering self-health care in diabetes patients in Khuang Nai District, Ubon Ratchathani Province


  • Wipaporn Singthong
  • Denduangdee Srisura
  • Jumlong Vongprasert


Strengthening self-care power, diabetes, effectiveness


This research is a quasi-experimental research. The objective is to study the effectiveness of empowerment in self health care. Comparison of the results of empowerment activities, experimental group, control group and compare knowledge, self-care behavior and blood sugar after the experiment of the control group - experimental group Samples were obtained from simple random sampling. Divided into 30 experimental groups, 30 control groups. The tools used were questionnaires and tests. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test.The research found that the knowledge of the experimental group after the experiment was at a high level. The control group after the experiment was at a moderate level. Self-care behavior in the experimental group After the experiment was at a high level The control group before - after the experiment was at the medium level. Blood sugar in the experimental group and the control group before - after the experiment were at a fair level. And blood sugar, hemoglobin A-C type, the experimental group before the experiment was not good After the experiment was at a good level While the control group before - after the experiment was at a poor level Knowledge comparison Self-care behaviors and blood sugar levels of patients showed that knowledge and self-care behaviors of patients in the experimental group - control group after the experiment Differing significantly at the level of .05

The results of the study can be used as data for health promotion planning for patients to have appropriate self-care behaviors that are sustainable.


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How to Cite

Singthong, W. ., Srisura, D. ., & Vongprasert, J. . (2019). The effectiveness of empowering self-health care in diabetes patients in Khuang Nai District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 8(2), 55–67. Retrieved from

