Development process for pharmacy service quality improvement to reduce in pre – dispensing error in outpatient department in Khukhan Hospital, Sisaket Province


  • Sayjai Salasook
  • Songkramchai Leethongdee
  • Rabkwan Chuealee


Action research, pre-dispensing error, medication error


This action research aimed to find out development process for pharmacy service quality improvement to reduce in pre-dispensing error in Khukhan Hospital, Sisaket province. A sample was 24 people selected with inclusion and exclusion criteria. The statistics used for quantitative data analysis were descriptive such as frequency distribution, percent error rate, per thousand prescriptions, average and standard deviation. Statistical analytical analysis was Paired Sample t-test and content analysis used for qualitative data.

The research found that there were 9 steps in this development process 1) Basic information and obstacle analysis. 2) Assess the knowledge. 3) Work shop for problem analysis and action plan. 4) Focus group 5) educate the concerned person 6) Create a guideline to prevention in pre-dispensing error 7) Follow up the results 8) Follow up valuation. 9) Sharing knowledge experiences. The result showed that knowledge of participants, and satisfaction were statistically significant different. The results are as follows. The error rate is 25.49 times per thousand prescriptions. After developing the system the rate was reduce to 13.57 times per thousand prescriptions.

The key success is the reduction of wastage and added value in all four stages of the process, and the result of participation that improves into delaying processes as values in work


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How to Cite

Salasook, S. . ., Leethongdee, S., & Chuealee, R. . (2019). Development process for pharmacy service quality improvement to reduce in pre – dispensing error in outpatient department in Khukhan Hospital, Sisaket Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 8(2), 68–77. Retrieved from

